STAY AWAY FROM USING WORDS IN THIS LIST – List of Common Spam Trigger Words

Spam Trigger Words – Don’t Use Them!

In order to effectively market with the Integrated Marketing Portal, your emails need to actually reach the intended recipient’s inbox. Sounds pretty simple, right? You’re connected to your Wi-Fi, the email you created is perfect, and all you have to do now is just click the “Send” button.

Wrong! It’s common issue that emails don’t ever get delivered to the intended recipient due to a variety of reasons, such as the email clients (i.e. Outlook) deeming your email as Spam Mail or the exchange servers (i.e. Company Firewalls) blocking your emails, etc.

There are many factors that are taken into consideration for email deliveries and most of them are out of your control. However, the one factor you can control to help your emails reach their intended recipient is minimizing the use of Spam Trigger Words in your emails.

Below is a list of words you want to avoid using in your emails because it will increase the chances of your emails being sent to the Spam folder. Don’t forget, just because none of the words in your email are from the Spam Trigger Word List doesn’t mean that your email will guaranteed reach the intended recipient’s inbox, but it definitely does help your chances of a successful delivery.


Below are the words you should stay away from putting in your email:

  1. Opt in

  2. This isn’t spam

  3. Marketing

  4. Sale

  5. Promise you

  6. 50% Off

  7. Free

  8. Satisfaction

  9. Fantastic Deal(s)

  10. Ad

  11. Million/Billion dollars

  12. Affordable

  13. For Only

  14. See for yourself

  15. For you

  16. All new

  17. Mortgage

  18. Never

  19. Special Promotion

  20. Bargain

  21. Stop

  22. Call now

  23. This isn’t junk

  24. Once in a lifetime

  25. Don’t hesitate


Source: (